Women's Rights
The Context
Women’s bodies are at the epicentre of the Uyghur genocide. From sexual violence to forced sterilisation, women are uniquely and disproportionately impacted by the Chinese government’s persecution. In 2021, the independent Uyghur Tribunal ruled that the CCP’s ‘systemic and concerted’ policy of birth reduction constitutes genocide.
Despite these atrocities, female survivors and activists-in-exile are leading the fight for the survival of their people. Here at Stop Uyghur Genocide, we are dedicated to amplifying their voices to expose the brutality and violence of the Chinese government’s persecution.

At a Glance: Gendered Violence in the Uyghur Region
- Forced birth prevention:
Uyghur women are subjected to a staggering policy of birth prevention, which includes forced abortions and forced sterilisations. The scale of this policy has led to a significant fall in natality rates, which could result in a population loss of between 3.1-4.1 million in a region of 14 million people. - Sexual violence:
Women held in concentration camps are subjected to routine rape and sexual violence from the camp guards. Camp survivor Tursunay Ziawudun has testified that guards would routinely enter the cells to ‘select the women they wanted’ and take them to “black rooms”, shielded from surveillance cameras. - Forced marriages:
The CCP has sent over 100,000 Han Chinese Official cadres to move in with Uyghur women to “promote ethnic unity” whilst their husbands are in concentration camps. Women are forced to share beds with state cadres and are often coerced into forced marriages. - Family separations:
Children of Uyghurs sent to detention camps or forced into exile are routinely placed in state-run ‘orphan camps’. In these homes, children as young as five are totally cut off from both their families and their cultural heritage.

Stop Uyghur Genocide's Women's Campaign
Here at Stop Uyghur Genocide we are campaigning to ensure the Uyghur genocide is on the women’s rights agenda.
Women’s Rights Organisations’ Pledge:
Stop Uyghur Genocide is asking women’s rights organisations addressing gendered violence, reproductive justice and forced labour to join our campaign to support Uyghur women.
Collecting Uyghur Women’s Stories:
As part of our commitment to empowering the UK Uyghur community to share their stories, we are gathering testimony from women who have fled the Uyghur region to the UK. Click here to read their stories.
Awareness raising:
Our Executive Director Rahima Mahmut speaks to schools, faith groups, and at events to raise awareness on the Uyghur genocide. Rahima has translated the testimonies of many Uyghur women that have survived the concentration camps, including those subjected to forced sterilisation and sexual violence. To get in touch about speaking opportunities please contact: contact@stopuyghurgenocide.co.uk.
Media Reports
- Uyghur Women Are China’s Victims – and Resistance
- Uyghur camp detainees allege systematic rape
- Rape And Sexual Violence Against Uyghur Women
- Learn more about the interaction between gender and genocide by reading the New Lines Institute Report: Gender and Genocide in the 21st Century